
Why Boko Haram is Following the ‘Real’ Islam

Anyone who owns a T.V. or computer is familiar by now with the kidnapping of over two hundred young girls that occurred in Nigeria in April of this year. This evil act was carried out by an Islamist group known as Boko Haram. Not only did these savages kidnap the innocent girls …


Why Does Allah Hate Homosexuals?

Not a week goes by without seeing a news story about a gay person being killed in a Muslim-majority country, whether it’s teenage boys being hung from a crane in Iran1 or men being stoned in Iraq2. Brunei has even put into effect a new law which allows death by stoning for …


Letter to God

A letter I wrote just before I stopped believing in Islam for good: Dear God, Do you even exist? Or am I wasting my time just like I did with all the praying and fasting. What kind of a god burns a Buddhist in hell for eternity? Especially since faith …


Happy Space Pegasus Day – Shab e Mairaj Mabrook

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. Quran 17:1 Our story begins on a dark and storm-less night, our hero an intrepid explorer of …


Do You Believe in Magic (Part 2)

  Before I start I would like to thank you all for your patience with me as I dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks there by interrupting my blogging. I am back now and do hope you continue to enjoy my writing. Continuing on the …


Do you Believe in Magic? (part 1)

The details of this topic have near infinite variations, to do it justice I had to divide this post into three parts to cover most major aspects. You are currently reading part one. The idea for this post was inspired by the current Muslim uproar in reaction to Katy Perry’s …


Allah is a Bigger Dick Than Your God

  So I recently read this post about the biggest Dick moves done by God and thought to myself that the Muslim god (Mr. Allah) has done some major douchebag moves himself. Now, I don’t know if all the Abrahamic religions worship the same entity or not and we could go on …

Saudi Arabia flag & emblem - "Allah’s Kingdom: The Saudi regime’s attempted monopoly over Islam" by @happymurtad

Allah’s Kingdom: The Saudi regime’s attempted monopoly over Islam

“Our grandfathers gave allegiance to the sons of Saud. How can we come after them and betray them? How can we withdraw our hands from obedience to them when Allah has said, ‘Oh you who believe, obey Allah, obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. (Qur’an 4:59)’ ?” …


Hearing Allah: Why acknowledging the Qur’an’s influence upon violent extremism is an important part of combating it.

It was an eerily solemn and calm night in the illuminated city of Allah’s Messenger. The usually bustling streets of Madinah were quiet and the shops and stalls surrounding the magnificent Mosque of the Prophet were shuttered down for the night. The vast marble piazza, usually alive with pilgrims from …


Predestiny or Reality?

When I was a staunch, devout Muslim, there were many Islamic concepts that I was struggling to understand. Predestination, or Taqdeer, was one of them. Belief in Taqdeer is a principle article of the Islamic faith. It is the belief that everything which happened, that happens and that will happen …