
Islamism: From Turkey to Canada

Vasarav is a tax attorney based in Montreal I’m a Turkish-Canadian and I’m getting a sick sense of déjà vu these days. Despite sporadic and relatively minor incidents of violence, for example a hotel set on fire in response to a Turkish publisher who wanted to publish The Satanic Verses, …


Walking by Moonlight: My Journey Out of Islam

Amira is a medical professional from Texas. As a bibliophile and science enthusiast, she’s passionate about the pursuit of knowledge. This is her first publication as an Ex-Muslim. Greetings, As an ex-Muslim, the first action I would like to extend is an offering of peace, or salaam. Apostasy from Islam …


Principles and Politics: The Southern Poverty Law Center Loses the Plot

In addition to threats of violence by Islamic fundamentalists, liberal critics of Islam are increasingly abandoned. At best, we are inconvenient afterthoughts, at worst, bigots and hate-mongers. The intellectual confusion and moral paralysis plaguing the Western Left around the religion of Islam has done much to add credibility to the …

Painting: Oedipus at Colonus, by Jean-Antoine-Théodore Giroust. Dallas Museum of Art

The Husband-Son Hybrid

There is a class of men that exist in society. They may look like normal men, they may act like normal men; in certain aspects they may actually be pretty normal. However, if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that these men live under very peculiar circumstances at home …


The Secret Lives of Immigrants

I’m an immigrant. No, not one of those 2nd generation, born and raised in the West sort of immigrants. I’m the real deal. I was born and raised in a middle-class family in Lahore, Pakistan, to a businessman father and a homemaker mother. After 9/11, my family feared for our …


Reading Radical: Initial Reactions

I usually prefer reserving judgment on any piece of writing until I’ve completed it. Nonetheless, Maajid Nawaz’s captivating book, Radical, has so far stoked so many memories and sentiments in me that I feel an almost urgent need to commit some of these thoughts to writing, if only to allow …


Talking Across the Pond — How getting hung up on form and mechanics turns people into assholes.

This is not a post on parenting per se but I am discovering how any and every thing can be linked to the shrill cry – “but think of the children”. You will not, however, have to deal with an appeal to emotion or an illogical argument. In a recent …


Are religions similar to capitalist businesses?

A certain Orientalist thought process among some Muslims and some Non-Muslims seems to be rooted in the assumption that Islam essentially represents some kind of resistance to capitalism and colonialism. The narrative that Islam is an alternative to ‘Western’ ideas of capitalism, globalization, and neoliberal economics, is at times touted …