
Do You Believe in Magic (Part 2)

  Before I start I would like to thank you all for your patience with me as I dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks there by interrupting my blogging. I am back now and do hope you continue to enjoy my writing. Continuing on the …


Do you Believe in Magic? (part 1)

The details of this topic have near infinite variations, to do it justice I had to divide this post into three parts to cover most major aspects. You are currently reading part one. The idea for this post was inspired by the current Muslim uproar in reaction to Katy Perry’s …


Allah is a Bigger Dick Than Your God

  So I recently read this post about the biggest Dick moves done by God and thought to myself that the Muslim god (Mr. Allah) has done some major douchebag moves himself. Now, I don’t know if all the Abrahamic religions worship the same entity or not and we could go on …

Human Rights

Saudi Arabia (allah’s self appointed defence attorney)

Just when you thought I was done writing about Saudi Arabia’s malignant religious grandiose disorder and it’s hideous crimes against humanity, here I go again exposing the proud (birth place of Islam) protector of it’s holy grounds for the blood thirsty enraged monster it really is. Ashraf Fayadh  is the latest …


The Start of an End V

I hated being Saudi… Being raised there is what I would describe as an affliction. The people of Saudi that were in my immediate surroundings accelerated my devastation, anger and sadness. This is a country where a woman is taught that her entire physical being is erroneous and unacceptable. After all …


The Start of an End IV

The start of an End III This is the story of a woman named Faith Faith was a timid young woman and quite the eccentric one she was of serious character but never did mind a little fun she had anxiety about dogs which she aspired to overcome some negative …


The Start of an End III

The Start of an End II Over the next 2 months I would enroll in a local driving school to learn how to drive. After all, driving was not a felony in Canada and I had intentionally arrived two months early to achieve a goal that was denied to me …


The Start of an End II

The Start of an End I In Heathrow I ponderously found my way to a Starbucks where I grabbed a muffin, coffee and a large water then overdosed on flu meds confident that they would help me get through the next 8 hours. Luckily I found a nice quiet spot in …


The Start Of an End I

  The Start of an End posts will answer some of the questions I have been receiving from readers. Mainly; “How did you leave Saudi?” It will also eventually tie into one of the most critical events that lead to my abandoning of medicine. An event I will be grilled …

Human Rights

“exotic practices”

A few weeks ago I watched a clip that was circulating through social media of a young Saudi man walking through one of Saudi’s busy streets giving out (Free hugs). Nothing new here right? I mean, we have all seen these nice touchy-feely short clips of people doing admirable things …