Human RightsVoices

From The Saudi Kingdom to EXMNA (and back)

During an evening out on my very last weekend of a six month trip to the United States, I took a moment to observe the group of people I had been hanging out with for the past couple of hours. This was a group that in some ways felt closer …

Human RightsReligion

Why I left ‘Islam’ and chose not to return

This is a guest post by Soran Tarkhani. He is of Kurdish origin from Iraqi Kurdistan. In addition to working as an assistant lecturer at Salahaddin University in Erbil and is currently pursuing his PhD in political science. On reading Sidra Mahmood’s response to the VICE News documentary ‘Rescuing Ex-Muslims: …

Human RightsVoices

It’s everyone’s obligation to help…

This a guest-post from Sara, an Iraqi Ex-Muslim who currently works as a pediatrician in the US. I was a refugee. I remember the night we left Iraq. Driving through the desert to the Jordanian border at night to escape war and persecution. I remember the officer who rummaged through …

Human RightsNews

David Cameron’s speech on Extremism & Sarah Haider’s talk on the need for liberal critique

David Cameron speech on extremism is amazing, it hits all the right notes AND seems to be mirroring a lot of the same points Sarah Haider​ made last month at her talk at American Humanist Association. National Union of Students & CAGE   Extremism effects Muslims the most   We …

FreeThoughtHuman Rights

The taboo of drawing Mohammed

A. R. Mirza is a Canadian ex-muslim interested in exploring the history of religious traditions and how they influence today’s world especially Islam in the modern world. Drawing Mohammed has always been a controversial issue, in school we were taught that it was “haram” of forbidden. But as of late …

FreeThoughtHuman Rights

Draw Mohammed Day

Omar is a Canadian graduate in technology, this is his first post on the topic of Islam and Blasphemy. Today is draw Muhammad day. I think it’s important for us to talk about why such a day is needed, and why this day isn’t what a lot of people, specifically …

FreeThoughtHuman Rights

A Bangladeshi Ex-Muslim on Avijit Roy’s Death

I’ve more or less stepped away from online activism of any sort for a few years now but this is absolutely breaking my heart and I don’t how else to cope. Three days ago, an American blogger and author of Bangladeshi origin was leaving a book fair in Dhaka when …

Human Rights

Secondhand story of an occupation

Palestine is hard to talk about – its recent history frustratingly arduous to track with all the failed peace initiatives, ceasefires and UN resolutions. It seems to be stuck in an endless video loop. And many of us have watched this on screen our whole lives. Smoke. Fire. Dead children. …

Human Rights

Twitter’s Attack on Free Speech

If you are active on Twitter, you may have encountered the #TwitterTheocracy campaign which was initiated on June 10, 2014 by EXMNA (Ex-Muslims of North America).1 It was trending very high for several hours on the 10th and beyond, and was endorsed by thousands including accomplished scientists and writers such as Richard …

Human Rights

Alia speaks

Her voice is like glass. It has the clink and tingle of something fine and delicate. Even her hesitation before saying something she had to wring out of the past is like a muffled chime. I can tell just by listening to her, Alia is beautiful. When she was twelve, …